Barkinterim is a management consultancy firm that provides interim and conflict management solutions. We are passionate about getting complex projects on track by transforming disputes into synergy. That is our way of contributing to the Energy Transition and Climate Change Adaption.

We believe that in a complex world, resolving problems and conflictual situations collaboratively, leads to better projects, programmes and organisations. More so, for us a collaborative resolve is as much part of the destination as it is part of the journey.

Our multidimensional approach leads to structural and pragmatic solutions, progress and cashflow,  reduced risks and costs. And in the end: projects delivered successfully, while critical relationships remain intact or have improved in the process.

We specialise in capital-intensive  projects and organisations in demanding and high-risk multi-stakeholder environments, where delays and unexpected events are costly and potentially disruptive: Offshore Wind, Civil Engineering and (Air) Ports.

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